1992: Indian Institute of Architects, Bombay (Architecture)
Architectural Design, Research Methodology, Housing
Important Publications
Priority of Public Transit and Para-Transit in Residential Location Choice and Work Trip Mode Choice, 23rd – 27th June, 2014 (Paper presented): World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research. Delft, The Netherlands
Comparison of Two Metro Station Areas of Two Indian Cities for Socio-Demographic Attributes and Travel Characteristics, 2013 (Paper – Conference Proceedings): Sustainable Urban Transportation Planning (SUTP) International Conference, Organized by UNDP Serbia & Belgrade Land Development Public Agency, Belgrade, Serbia
Implementation of Better Communication Systems (MDCS) for Better Customer Service, A Case Study of Capital District Transportation Authority, Albany, NY, 2011 (Poster Presented): ‘Geomatrix 2011’ – National Geospatial Conference, Organized by Resource Engineering Association, IIT Bombay, India.
Transit Oriented Development: An Integrated Land Use and Transportation Alternative for Sustainable Development, 2010 (Paper Presented and Conference Proceedings): National Seminar on Sustainable Life Lines: Transportation Planning and Management, Organized by Guru Ramdas School of Planning, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India
Outline Development Plan for Feroke Muncipality in Execution Framework of Internet of People, Internet of Government and Internet of Things, (2017) (Book Chapter): E-Democracy for Smart Cities, Editor: T. M. Vinod Kumar, Authors: T. M. Vinod Kumar, P. Bimal, Aruna Sri Reddi, Publisher: Spriger, ISBN: 978-981-10-4035-1
Awards and Recognitions
Best Poster, 2011-First prize for Poster presentation in National Geospatial Conference ‘Geomatrix 2011’
Student Group Award, 2003 – Best planning studio student project award granted by the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) for ‘Contemporary Issues-Planning and Design Recommendations for the West Side Neighborhood of Saratoga Springs, NY
Personal Website and Social Media
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