HomeEvents 2023-24Guest Lecture on “Application of Acoustics in Building Design”

Guest Lecture on “Application of Acoustics in Building Design”

SubjectBuilding Services - III
Date7th September, 2023
Time10:00 a.m. - 11.30 a.m.
VenueRolins Acoutics LLP
FacultyCoordinator: Prof. Tanaya Deka
Guest Speaker: Ar. Rolins Thomas Roy

The objectives of this lecture are to help Students to understand the:
a. Importance of acoustics in Architecture.
b. Sound, velocity, frequency, intensity.
c. Reflection, reverberation, absorption, transmission of sound.

Introduction about Sound and Noise:
Fundamental Properties and characteristics of sound. (Frequency, wavelength, velocity, pressure, pressure level, intensity, pitch, tone, loudness, timbre etc.) made to understand through handling potable speaker by students when music was played at different levels
Noise: Physiological and Psychological impact of noise on human beings. Noise criteria for various spaces viz: Living areas, Educational areas, Offices etc.

Behaviour of Sound
Behaviour of sound in open and enclosed spaces with reference to the form of enclosures, and various surface finishes. was made to understand & experience students through videos, and listening to sound. Music in different spaces.

Noise Control
Measures to control noise nuisance (Air borne and Structure borne) in different spaces.
Was explained Through photographs of on-going sites. Live examples.

Selection & Application of Acoustical materials
Acoustical materials along with their properties, behaviour, selection criteria, use, and construction details.