HomeEvents 2022-23Site Visit to Sir J.J. College of Architecture

Site Visit to Sir J.J. College of Architecture

SubjectArchitectural Building Construction and Materials
Session 2022-23
Year 1st year
Date17th April, 2023


The site visits was conducted to have a practical and hands on experience of building construction methods and understanding of site dynamics for load bearing masonry structures and timber structures.


  1. Understanding of construction of masonry wall in brick and stone.
  2. Understanding of the sequence of construction from plinth to roof.
  3. Physical understanding of materials – Types of Stone Wall, Timber Joinery, Timber Truss and Junction details.


The Architectural Building Construction and material lectures and studio started with introducing fundamentals of building components and materials. Semester 1 concentrates on introduction to simple loadbearing constructions and Semester 02 – focuses on frame construction in timer. The overall scope of 1st year covers the construction methods and building materials for simple load bearing construction / structure.

The site visit was planned in mid of semester 02 so the students can refer to the previous learning of construction brick wall and stone masonry. Sir J.J. College Campus at CSMT, Mumbai was chosen as the campus has assumable of colonial buildings predominantly built using load bearing construction methods.

During the site visit Prof Mustansir Dalvi (A senior faculty form JJ college of Architecture) gave a brief lecture on the history and architecture of the Sir JJ college campus. Further, students evaluated each building with reference to its architectural style, construction methods, space configuration, construction details and setting. Student interacted with faculty members in groups, discussing various aspects of the masonry construction.

Students carefully observed and documented the ongoing restoration and repair work of the north light timber roof and Timber doors and windows. Since the repair work was ongoing, Students could physically witness the process for dissemble and assembly process for timber door window components.

Such visit will be future conducted as the studio work progresses, so as to make students understand the entire process of construction for various construction detail and site dynamics.

Students involved for site Visit- First year batch of B.Arch. Course (April – 2023) Faculty involved for Site Visit. Prof. Rupali Vaidya, Prof. Sasmit Acharekar, Prof. Suvarna Thakare, Prof. Nitya Pratap