Academic Infrastructure

Infrastructure and Learning Resources

Studio Spaces

Areas: 252.95 sq. mts, 247.5 Sq. Mts.[2 no.], 224 Sq. Mts. [2 no.] & 166 Sq. 65.10 Mts. each on various levels from the ground floor to the fourth floor. There is a total of 7 no. of studios, out of which 2 are for B.Arch. and 2 are for M.Arch. for each from 1st to 5th yr. B.Arch. course on each floor from the Ground to the 4th floor. Each one is provided with the required number of Tables with drawing boards of Imperial size & Stools and also having projecter with scree, White & Black Boards, Lockers for storage of Drawings, T-squares & Set-squares and books, etc. so that students do not have to carry them home every day. These spaces have one of its longer sides facing the external face of the building from where they are deriving natural light and with the help of ventilators on the opposite sides, have enough cross-ventilation inside each of the studio spaces. All the studios have Wi-Fi and internet cable connectivity with enough plug points to connect their laptops.

B.Arch. Studios

Academic-Infrastructure-b-arch-studio (3)Studio 1 on the Ground floor
Academic-Infrastructure-b-arch-studio (5)Studio 2 on the First floor
Academic-Infrastructure-b-arch-studio (4)Studio 3 on the Second floor
Academic-Infrastructure-b-arch-studio (2)Studio 4 on Third Floor
Academic-Infrastructure-b-arch-studio (1)Studio 5 on Fourth Floor

M.Arch. Studio

Academic-Infrastructure-m-arch-studio (2)Studio 6 on Second Floor
Academic-Infrastructure-m-arch-studio (1)Studio 7 on Second Floor
Lecture Room / A.V. Room

The lecture room on the 2nd floor, known as the A.V. Room, spans an area of 58.60 This versatile space is utilized for a range of activities, including theory lectures, guest lectures, and various co-curricular events. Equipped with essential amenities such as a digital projector, WIFI, LAN connection and speaker facilities, the room accommodates up to 80 students, providing a technologically advanced environment for effective learning and engagement.

lecture-room (1)Lecture Room
lecture-room (2)Lecture Room
Academic-Infrastructure-lecture-rooms (4)Lecture Room


PiCA has two conclaves- Conclave 1 and conclave 2 with 156.44 sq. mt and 130.38 sq. mt of floor area respectively. The approximate capacity of both the conclave is around 100 people. Both the conclaves are air-conditioned and fitted with the best ICT facility such as WIFI, Projector with screen, Speakers with fix and portable microphones.

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Academic-Infrastructure-conclave (2)
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Academic-Infrastructure-conclave (4)

The space is used to conduct various guest lectures, seminars, workshops and faculty development programs, etc.


PiCA library is located on the second floor with a floor area of 202 sq. mt. PiCA Library caters to the students of Architecture, where the library functions not only as a reference guide but a valuable resource in sculpting students’ life.

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PiCA Library maintains a core collection of more than 7200 valuable books. The diversity of the library collection includes reference books, textbooks, national and international periodicals, bound journals, University papers, project reports, standards and non-print materials such as CDs, maps, etc. The library maintains a separate reference collection consisting of Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, directories handbooks, and atlases. We add more than 200 books to our collection every year for the benefit of our users. Accession registers for various collections are maintained properly.

The environment of the library is very lively and fresh. It also has WiFi, scanning, printing and photocopy facility.

Special Cyberspace in the Library

This area is exclusively reserved for student’s use. Students can access the online collection of the PiCA library along with this they can do their research work from here. All computers have internet connections and one common printer.


E-Learning Studio
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academic-infrastructure-E-Learning-Studio (2)
academic-infrastructure-E-Learning-Studio (3)

PiCA faculty can utilize the E-Learning studio, also known as the light board studio, to produce high-quality E-learning content for both students and the general community. Within this studio, instructors face the audience directly while creating content on a light board. Additionally, the facility is equipped with state-of-the-art recording software and hardware to ensure the creation of top-notch online E-learning materials.