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[table id=457 /] Introduction: Construction Materials Testing: The testing process is important because it allows inspectors and builders to identify faults before an actual stress test, where personal and environmental safety is at risk. A building’s structure is much more than floors, walls and a foundation. Virtually

[table id=529 /] PiCA Thesis Forum is a lecture series where recent graduates present the process and outcome of their final-year Design Dissertations. It offers a platform for Design Dissertation discussions and the exchange of ideas. [layerslider id="394"] This year’s thesis forum featured two distinguished presenters, Dhruv Ravi

[table id=518 /] Details of the Event: Our idea was to study the tribal villages at the foothills of Matheran and identify the issues related to maternity care. We had already decided that we will do a maternity centre. [layerslider id="387"] As the Thakur and Katkari community resides

[table id=462 /] This Felicitation Ceremony stands as a testament to the collective effort and excellence of the PiCA community. Together, they continue to strive for greatness, bringing pride and honor to Pillai College of Architecture. The Pillai College of Architecture (PiCA) organized a grand felicitation ceremony

[table id=516 /] Guest lecture was conducted on 2nd July 2024 in Conclave II in Pillai New Panvel Campus. Students of 5th Year and Masters attended guest lecture conducted by Ar. Anil Darshetkar. He shared his experiences of MMRDA with students which helped students for understanding

[table id=461 /] [layerslider id="352"] [su_row][su_column size="1/2" center="no" class=""][/su_column] [su_column size="1/2" center="no" class=""][/su_column][/su_row]

[table id=467 /] Objectives of the Visit: To conduct on-site case studies of large span roofs To understand the spanning and supporting systems of various large trusses. To document connections and joinery details of such structures. Overview of the Visit: A total of 47 students and 3 faculty members participated

[table id=498 /] Details of the Event When and How the event was conduct The event was conducted on 26th June, 2024. The students and faculty walked to the temple as it is very close to the college. The faculty explained the structure from outside Significance of the event/topic Brief