HomeEvents 2022-23Tug of War 2022-23

Tug of War 2022-23

EventSENATE Event
YearsI, II, III
Date5th January, 2023
Time 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
SemesterI, IV, VI
SENATE in chargeProf. Jayesh Patil
SENATE coordinatorsNitesh Bane

The students of Mahatma Education Society’s Pillai’s College of Architecture, New Panvel participated in the sports event TUG OF WAR on 5th January, 2023. The event was a fun, energetic, and enthusiastic sports event. Exercise and sports participation has long been established as an important factor in reducing the risk of many physical problems. Sport has many physical benefits, but many other benefits taking part in sport can provide, this makes sport an important part of each individual’s life. Sports can be a powerful tool for educational establishments to use. The event began at 3:30 p.m., and the students from 1st to 3rd years were assembled to take part in the sports event while the rest of the crowd surrounded the ground for cheer, and accordingly the teams were prepared for their matches. The audience energetically cheered and praised fellow teammates boosting players’ morale.

The teams were divided based on Years,

The match started with teams in the boy’s category 3rd Years up against 2nd years, and in the girl’s category the 1st years up against the 3rd years.

In the Endgame, it was a tough fight, and with a mighty pull from the boy’s category, the 1st years, and from the girl’s category the 3rd year won the match! Teams praised each other and with a celebratory picture, the event came to an end.