HomeCelebrationsIndependence Day 2019-20

Independence Day 2019-20

Event NameIndependence Day
YearII, III, IV, V
Date15th August 2019
Time08:00 am – 09:00 am
Faculty in ChargeProf. Shubhangi Bhide
Student Co-ordinatorsDevika Kurup, Parth Khopkar

Pillai College of Architecture, New Panvel, celebrated Independence Day on 15th August 2019, commemorating the Nation’s Independence from the United Kingdom. The day when the UK Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act 1947 transferring Legislative sovereignty to the Indian Constituent Assembly. The Day is celebrated with Flag Hosting Ceremony by the invited Guest, followed by cultural events organized by the students. The programme is concluded by offering snacks and sweets to all.

Independence Day 2019-20 (2)
Independence Day 2019-20 (3)
Independence Day 2019-20