Home2024 (Page 2)

February 2024

[table id=439 /] Welcome to the comprehensive report detailing the five-day workshop series orchestrated by the Student Council at Pillai College of Architecture. Designed to enrich the educational journey of our our students, the workshops featured a curated blend of hands-on activities, informative sessions, and expert-led

Anubhuti, the social service wing of Pillai College of Architecture, New Panvel, hosted a heartwarming Community Service Day to bring joy and learning to children from the NGO "Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, Chinchavli". Held on our college premises, the event showcased our commitment to giving back

[table id=432 /] On the occasion of National Voter’s Day, Anubhuti, the social service wing of Pillai College of Architecture in collaboration with Electoral Literacy Club of PiCA organised an oath taking program for the 1st and 2nd year student of B.Arch. The session began at

[table id=438 /] Objective: The talk was to educate students about concepts related to museum as a space, understanding the goals of museum as an organisation and development of its Spaces on the basis of the collection, the visitor and utilisation of already existing heritage

[table id=447 /] Aim of the Visit: The primary aim of the visit to fold design studio at Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, was to gain insights into parametric design practices. Objectives: To understand parametric architecture design. To observe fabrication practices To understand different methods of parametric design fabrication [print_gllr id=18326] Introduction: Folds Design Studio Initiated

[table id=445 /] Aim The aim of the study tour was to develop the analytical skills and create an interactive learning environment for the students of first year. Apart from building academic capability, the study tour also aimed at building life skills such as team work, communication,