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Site Visits

[table id=186 /] No. of students attended the visits: 61 No. of faculties attended the visits: 5 Introduction: A case study is a process of studying a project and understanding each & every aspect of it so as to develop the design process. A study visit to various spaces

[table id=337 /] Aim: The urban design studio aims to visually illustrate the site's transformation from the past to the present. By identifying and narrating the various layers of the city, showcase its rich historical, cultural, and urban development. Moreover, the studio will carefully select a neighborhood

[table id=199 /] Aim: To study and analyse the various specialised services provided for sustainability and reusing material existing on site. Objectives: To study the water treatment plant installed at Govardhan Eco Village. To examine rainwater harvesting facility used for the water necessity of the site. To study the biodegradable materials

[table id=336 /] The students of Sem VI conducted a site visit to Wadale Talav and Khandeshwar Talav Precinct on 16th December, 2022. Aim of the Site Visit: To explain the historical and environmental context to the students. Objectives: To introduce students to the urban form of

Subject Coordinator: Prof. Rupali Vaidya Faculty Team for Site Visit: Prof. Gauri Damle Prof. Ajita Prof. Rupali Vaidya Prof: Aditya Gujarkar Aim The aim of the site visit was to develop observational skills and create an interactive learning environment on site for the students to get the exact feel of structure with

[table id=180 /] Aim: The site visits was conducted to have a practical and hands on experience of building construction methods and understanding of site dynamics. Objectives: To observe on-going basement construction work on site To observe different components associated with precast concrete construction To understand the methods and techniques for

[table id=331 /] Aim: The site visit was aimed to enable students to observe and understand practical aspects of Interior Design theories, planning aspects, etc. Objectives: Analyzing the layout and spatial arrangement of rooms areas to optimize functionality. Examining various materials used for flooring, wall finishes, and other surfaces. Observing the

Construction Materials Testing: The testing process is important because it allows inspectors and builders to identify faults before an actual stress test, where personal and environmental safety is at risk. A building’s structure is much more than floors, walls and a foundation. Virtually

Site Visit & Case Study Visit for Sem III AD [table id=158 /] A site analysis is a research activity that looks at the existing conditions of a site as well as possible future conditions. It considers physical qualities and characteristics, patterns and activities, relationships, context, givens,